Monday, June 26, 2017

Trump NV SuperPAC


TO: As many Nevadans (and others) as we can tweet to

We who are tweeting to you are Americans who are angered that Donald Trump is deploying his America’s First Priorities superPAC to attack and pressure Nevada Senator Dean Heller to vote for the Senate health bill and against the best interests of Nevadans. (See Las Vegas Review-Journal,  Super PAC plans $1 million ad buy targeting Heller, The Las Vegas Review Journal, June 24, 2017.

Donald Trump  promised in his campaign he would not cut Medicaid.

Now Donald Trump is hard at work on behalf of the Senate bill that will take away upwards of $1 trillion of funding for Medicaid and give it to the wealthy. 

In his Contract with the American Voter,  candidate Trump committed to restoring honesty and accountability in government,  and to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC. 

Donald Trump, in his inaugural address, said
For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished -- but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered -- but the jobs left, and the factories closed.
* * * * 
What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.
Now Donald Trump has turned around and is deploying money coming from big money donors seeking the rewards of government, in order to benefit the wealthy under the Senate bill and  harm "the forgotten mane and women of our country."

The lies and duplicity of Donald Trump know no bounds.

We want to send thousands of tweets to Nevadans and for Nevadans to send tweets to one another that express the outrage of all of us against Donald Trump and to support Senator Dean Heller to do the right thing for Nevadans, and thereby for Americans generally.

To help us do this, please follow Steps One and Two.

Thank you.

Step One
Click on the link below to send a tweet that says, "Tweet to Nevadans for them and US and against Trump lies and Trump superPAC. #NVPol"  (After you click the link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)

Tweet here

Step Two
Send individual tweets to Nevadans and to others, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get your recipients to come to this webapag, send their own tweet in Step One and, after that, join in sending tweets to more Nevadans and others. The goal here to get a large amount of "pyramiding" of tweets  going.

A suggested tweet message to send is:
Tweet for Dean Heller and for US, against Trump lies and against the Trump superPAC doing ads in NV.
Then you need to find follower lists of other Twitter accounts in Nevada that have a lot of Nevada followers. Here are some suggested Twitter follower lists to use.

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.
(For questions or discussion about this tweeting, go to Google group topic Tweeting for Trump censure.)

B. How to send your tweets efficiently
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list  you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.