Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Democrats should boycott the inauguration

Suggested statement for national Democratic leadership to give in connection with announcement of boycott of President-Elect Trump's inauguration


We, the leadership of the United States Democratic party, are announcing that we will boycott the inauguration of President-Elect Donald J. Trump on January 20th, 2025, and we call on all Democrats and others to do similarly.

We wish to explain to the American people and to the world why we are doing this.

The United States is mired in lies and polarized views about what is true and false, what is right and wrong.

This morass exists at the highest levels regarding the most significant matters and at lower levels and relative to less important matters. 

The morass is worsening and it is unclear when it will get better.

The morass critically impairs the governance of the United States for the reasons that we will explain.

We believe that the most critical element of the morass regards whether or not the 2020 election was rigged and whether or not President-Elect Donald J. Trump did nothing wrong in connection with January 6th and whether or not Liz Cheney and the January 6th committee egregiously wronged President-Elect Trump.

Here the morass presents the near absolute that President-Elect Donald J. Trump four years later still says the 2020 election was rigged and says he absolutely did nothing wrong in connection with January 6th and Liz Cheney and the January 6th committee egregiously wronged President-Elect Trump.

Those on the other side say absolutely to the contrary of what President-Elect Trump says.

The foregoing morass makes for a critical impairment of the governance of the United States, and a resolution of same in needed in the form of a substantial consensus about which side is right.

President-Elect Trump has the biggest megaphone in the United State (and in the world) and he has used and will continue to use it to broadcast that he is right. Millions of Americans believe President-Elect Trump is right and President-Elect Trump's continued use of his megaphone has the potential capability to obliterate any contention that President-Elect Trump is wrong.

Besides believing President-Elect Trump is wrong, we submit to the American people and to the world either that President-Elect Trump knows he is wrong and continues to broadcast that he is right and not wrong, or that President-Elect Trump is not even aware that he is wrong.

Whether it is the case that President-Elect Trump knows he is wrong but continues to broadcast that he is right, or the case that he is not even aware that he is wrong, the risk is presented that President-Elect Trump will do wrong in other important circumstances. 

We believe it is unacceptable in the governance of the United States to have a president who does wrong that he knows is wrong but says is right, or who does wrong unaware that he is doing wrong.

In either case, we call this an abuse of power, either knowing or unknowing by such a President of the United States, and we believe any Congress in office with such a President has a constitutional duty to do what it can to curtail such abuse of power.

We believe that most Americans at bottom believe that it is unacceptable in the governance of the United States to have a president who does wrong that he knows is wrong but says is right, or who does wrong unaware that he is doing wrong.

Further we think that much of the rest of the world would agree that it is not good for either the United States or the rest of the world for the United States to have a president who does wrong that he knows is wrong but he says is right, or who does wrong unaware that he is doing wrong.

Had the legal and constitutional framework of the United States properly worked, and had the January 6th criminal case against President-Elect Trump been completed before the 2024 election,  the question of whether President-Elect Trump is right or wrong would have been resolved in the courts.

President-Elect Trump managed to avoid the proper working of the legal and constitutional framework of the United States, and there has not been a resolution of the question.

That he won the 2024 election does not resolve the question.

The purpose of our boycotting the inauguration of President-Elect Trump and calling on all Democrats and others to boycott the inauguration is to raise in the starkest way we can in the consciousness of the American people and of the world the need for a consensus on whether or not the 2020 election was rigged, whether or not President-Elect Trump did nothing wrong in connection with January 6th, and whether or not Liz Cheney and the January 6th committee egregiously wronged President-Elect Trump.

To be clear, we make one exception that outgoing President Biden attend the President-Elect's inauguration to emphasize that a peaceful transfer of power will take place and that our boycotting of the inauguration is for the new Congress to perform its constitutional guardian role to keep the new President from abusing his power.

We look forward to engaging on every level  with those who believe President-Elect Trump is right (including with President-Elect Trump himself) or who are uncertain about whether or not President-Elect Trump is right, and that such engagement is the way to resolve whether President-Elect Trump is right or wrong.

As those of us who are in Congress proceed, along with our Republican colleagues, to undertake our constitutional governing responsibilities in the new Congress, we will press on our Republican colleagues the risk of further abuse of power by President-Elect Trump after he is sworn in office and press on them our constitutional obligations to keep, or try to keep, then President Trump from further abusing his power.

We close this announcement by saying God bless the United States of America, and may God bless our United States Congress.


Email to Alabama Democratic and Republican party organizations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>
Cc: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; <>; Mike Wright <>; Kay Norred <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Brian Lyman <>; <>; <>; Marty Smith <>; Elizabeth Yang <>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2024 at 10:54:39 AM CST
Subject: Boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
Dear Alabama Democratic and Republican party organizations:
I am advocating that Democrats, as well as conscientious Republicans and others, boycott President-Elect Trump's inauguration.
My reasoning and rationale for this are set forth at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration.
Thank you for whatever consideration you choose to give to this.
Robert Shattuck

Email to Alabama lawyers
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Brannon Buck <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Ross Cohen <>; <>; Mark Ezell <>; John Steiner <>; <>; <>; Chris Christie <>; Gwen Windle <>; <>; <>; <>; Celeste Grenier <>
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2024 at 06:57:31 PM CST
Subject: Boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
What do Alabama lawyers think about boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration, based on the reasoning and rationale set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration?

Email to other states' lawyers
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; Jeff Carton <>; <>; Linda Dolce <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2024 at 06:23:10 PM CST
Subject: Boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
Building on my December 12th email to you, I throw out for your consideration the idea of Democrats and conscientious Republicans boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration on the basis of the reasoning and rationale set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration.
Thank you for you for indulging this further intrusion on you.

Email to Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee 
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: [Sent to 52 members of Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee. Email addresses were obtained from Alabama State Bar website. It is believed the email address information is not available to general public, and email addresses are omitted here.]
Sent: Saturday, December 28, 2024 at 06:39:49 PM CST
Subject: Boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
Building on my December 18th email to the Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee, I throw out for your consideration the idea of Democrats and conscientious Republicans boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration on the basis of the reasoning and rationale set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration.
Thank you for indulging this further intrusion on the Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee.

Email to Sullivan County (TN) Democratic Party
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 04:48:32 AM CST
Subject: Email from Alabama - boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
I am in Alabama and am trying to spread the idea of a formal boycott of President-Elect Trump's inauguration on the basis of the reasoning and rationale set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration.
If you think this is meritorious, please spread the idea to Democratic party organizations in Tennessee.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook, AL

Email to Alabama history professors
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Christopher Jones <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2024 at 04:58:27 PM CST
Subject: Boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
Building on my December 13th email to you, I throw out for your consideration the idea of Democrats and conscientious Republicans boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration on the basis of the reasoning and rationale set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration.
Thank you for indulging this further intrusion on you.

Email to friends
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: [email addresses omitted here]
Sent: Monday, December 30, 2024 at 10:46:16 AM CST
Subject: Boycotting President-Elect Trump's inauguration
Dear loyal Friends,
I muchly solicit your opinions about whether Democrats and conscientious Republicans should boycott President-Elect Trump's inauguration on the basis of the reasoning and rationale set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Democrats should boycott the inauguration.
For those of you on the Democratic side, do you think the national leadership of the Democratic party should call for such a boycott? If not, why do you think they should not call for such a boycott.
For those of you on the Republican side who think the national leadership of the Democratic party should not call for such a boycott, please tell me why.
Possibilities include you believe President-Elect Trump did nothing wrong in connection with January 6th and/or Liz Cheney and others on the January 6th committee egregiously wronged President-Elect Trump in holding the January 6th hearings.
Alternatively, you may believe that President-Elect Trump did wrong in connection with January 6th, but his winning the 2024 election should end the matter. If that is your belief, please address the risk of President-Elect Trump abusing his Presidential power after January 20th and what, if anything, you believe is needed to protect the United States from his abusing his Presidential power after January 20th.
Thank you muchly, loyal Friends.
One friend replied:
"Like it or not, he is the president. Everyone in Washington seems to have accepted the results of the elections. So, I don’t think they would be making much of a point by boycotting."
A second friend replied:
"I tend to agree with [above first friend]. He was elected - the people voted, albeit at a tiny margin. Let this play out. Happy New Year everyone! 'Gird your loins' as my dear mother would have said."
A third friend replied:
"I agree with [above first friend] I also hope Trump will skip over all this history and work forward and make positive changes. I am sick to death of rehashing/fighting!! Boycotting is just a headline statement. Lets move forward."
A fourth friend replied:
"I agree also with [above first friend]…time to move on and hope everything goes well and we see more positive than negative change. Cannot live in the past forever."

January 6th, 2025 [added 12/31/24]
The Democratic leadership (and conscientious Republicans of substance) should announce on January 6th (next Monday) their call for a boycotting of President-Elect Trump's January 20th inauguration. This announcement should be made on the Ellipse and should say to the effect of:
On January 6, 2021, President-Elect Trump, as the then President of the United States, attempted to prevent the peaceful transfer of power to then President-Elect Joe Biden.
Unlike that criminal attack on democracy on January 6, 2021, today, January 6, 2025, a peaceful transfer of power is taking place in the Capitol Building where the electoral votes are being counted and certified by the United States House of Representatives.
In calling for a boycott of President-Elect Trump's inauguration, we are in no way interfering with the peaceful transfer of power to him, but instead we are announcing to the American people and to the world that we will try to stand as a bulwark against President-Elect Trump abusing his Presidential power after January 20, 2025, as he abused his Presidential power during his first term of office.
Jan. 3-5 march; Amendment 14, Section 3 [added 1/1/25]
See The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Jan. 3-5 DC march; Amend. 14 Sec. 3 for an alternative idea. It would seem that the priority should be to get the foregoing suggestions (and any other ideas) in front of Democrats and Republicans in leadership positions for them to decide what should be done.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Where we Alabamians stand on the law

Where do we Alabamians stand on the law?

I copy and paste below the entirety of Todd Stacy's article Britt adds Judiciary to committee lineup for 119th Congress - Alabama Daily News

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – U.S. Senator Katie Britt will add the Judiciary Committee to her slate of assignments for the 119th Congress, according to an announcement from U.S. Sen. John Thune, the incoming Senate Majority Leader.
That gives the Alabama Republican another major committee assignment in addition to her seats on the Appropriations Committee and Banking Committee. All three of Britt’s committee posts are coveted ones due to their wide range of policy impact.
The Judiciary Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, immigration and naturalization policy, interstate compacts and much more. Perhaps most notably, it is the body charged with considering all Article III judicial nominations, from district and appellate courts to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Britt welcomed the challenge.
“I am proud my Republican colleagues selected me to serve on the Senate Judiciary Committee and am honored to have the opportunity to serve under the leadership of incoming Chairman Chuck Grassley,” Britt said in a statement to Alabama Daily News. “I will work tirelessly to bring Alabama’s conservative values to the forefront of the committee’s decisions, especially when evaluating nominees for the federal judiciary and safeguarding the God-given rights and individual liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution.”
The post will give Britt direct involvement in many of the confirmation proceedings of President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet and senior staff level appointments, including attorney general and FBI director.
Grassley, R-Iowa, offered complimentary comments for Britt upon her addition to the committee.
“Katie Britt is a bright legal mind and a dedicated voice for Alabamians. I look forward to working with her on the Senate Judiciary Committee to help restore safety and the rule of law,” Grassley said in a statement provided by Britt’s office.
Her background as an attorney is part of what led Britt to pursuing the seat on Judiciary, she said.
“As an attorney, I am committed to ensuring America’s judicial system is run by those who interpret the law, rather than leftwing activist judges seeking to legislate from the bench,” she said. “I am also looking forward to utilizing my role on the Judiciary Committee to work alongside President Trump to end the border crisis and strengthen immigration enforcement across our nation’s interior. Together, we will make America safe again for hardworking families.”
Republicans this year reclaimed the Senate majority after losing it in the 2022 election.

The core stance on the law of this Alabamian currently is that the President-Elect should be in jail rather than headed to the White House and Congress needs to fulfill its constitutional obligations to counter the unlawful theft of governmental power that the President-Elect has gotten away with. This is elaborated at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.

This Alabamian has made extensive efforts to get Alabamians of substance to articulate where they stand on the law. These include many in the Alabama legal profession, including Alabama law school deans and professors, Alabama judges, the Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee, and Alabama district attorneys and U.S. attorneys. Also Alabama Republican and Democratic party organizations and the Alabama business community have been solicited to say where they stand on the law. 

Further, Alabama TV stations and Alabama new journalists have been asked to help find out where Alabamians stand on the law.

All of the foregoing by this Alabamian alone has been to no avail.

This Alabamian needs the help of the other Alabamians to find out where we Alabamians stand on the law.

Please contact me if you want to help out.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power

Dear Senator Britt,

This open letter follows my previous open letter to you at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Open letter to Senators Tuberville and Britt re Pam Bondi.

Donald Trump has gotten away with murder.

When I say murder, I don't mean murder murder.

No, I mean Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history.

This heist happened because our legal system failed to allow the January 6th criminal case against Donald Trump to be completed before the 2024 election.

That Donald Trump won the 2024 election does not end the imperative of stopping his getting away with his theft of governmental power.

Please let me explain the reason for this imperative.

When it comes to power, there are no limits on how much some persons want power, how much power they want, and the things they will do for their power.

Persons who exercise governmental power are supposed to exercise the power for the benefit of the society as a whole.
Some persons wrongfully seek and use governmental power to benefit themselves financially and to gratify selfish vanities of getting attention and dominating others and making them subservient (such wrongful seeking and use of governmental power shall be referred to as "abuse of power").

Power holders who abuse their power will surround themselves with aides and supporters who are similarly inclined to abuse power for their own personal benefits and who will protect and defend the primary power holder in his or her abuse of power.

Also power abusers will deceive and lie about the power holder's abuse of power.

As power abusers gain power, their desire for more power for their selfish purposes is heightened, and they will will go to greater (and possilby illegal) lengths to protect themselves and their power.

Much of American history is about our country's creation of a system of checks and balances to protect against power abusers.

Where does Donald Trump stand as a power abuser? How much does he love power? How much does he desire power to benefit himself, his family and friends and how intensely does he value power to gratify his vanity of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from others. 

Donald Trump has demonstrated for decades how much he loves money and power, how huge his vanity is, how much he loves attention, and the enormous lengths he will go to for the same. 

What change in Donald Trump's nature do you think took place in his running for President in 2016?

I think, for Donald Trump, the Presidency was and is the ultimate for his vanity and being the center of attention on the biggest stage in the country and on the globe.

I think his overwhelming love of power led Donald Trump to commit criminal wrongs connected with January 6th to try to keep his power.

He has gotten away with committing those crimes.

This has further increased Donald Trump's love of power and, having gotten away with criminal wrongs, emboldens him to do more wrongs, including disregarding what is better for the country.

In this, it is critical to Donald Trump that he stamp out continuing talk about how he got away with his unlawful heist of governmental power and about the failure of our system to allow the January 6th criminal case against Donald Trump to be completed before the 2024 election.

Donald Trump is doing this right now by continuing his protestations of "I did nothing wrong" and his piling on top of that that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for what they did to him in telling the American people about what he did wrong, and very possibly criminally wrong. 

To stamp out the talk, Donald Trump further needs his aides and supporters to be in lock step in saying Donald Trump did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that January 6th committee members should be in jail for what they did to Donald Trump. 

This calls for Trump pushing Republicans to demonstrate increasing fealty to him.

I think Trump is using his cabinet picks to push Republicans to show more and more fealty.

Further the cabinet picks themselves will buttress Trump in his squelching of thoughts of the American people about his heist of governmental power. 

Senator Britt, I ask you to search your soul here. 

You have shown you are an ambitious politician, and you are gaining first hand knowledge about power, love of power, abuse of power, what a person is willing to do for power, and how power can corrupt a person's soul.

In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?

I don't know what kind of response I will be able to get from you to this open letter. I will press hard. 

This open letter is at, which I will use to publicize the letter to try to get others to press the letter on you.

Thank you.

Robert Shattuck
12/20/24 submitted 4:45 pm to Senator Britt using her office contact form.  Confirmation received back:



Email to Alabama TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; <>; Mike Wright <>; Kay Norred <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Brian Lyman <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Marty Smith <>; Elizabeth Yang <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2024 at 07:37:25 AM CST
Subject: Sen. Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
Dear Alabama TV stations,
I have submitted to Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I ask Senator Britt to search her soul, and I say, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I hope your TV stations will press Senator Britt for answers to my questions regarding this unlawful theft of governmental power by Donald Trump.
Thank you.
Robert Shattuck

From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Brannon Buck <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Ross Cohen <>; <>; Mark Ezell <>; John Steiner <>; <>; <>; Chris Christie <>; Gwen Windle <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 04:50:21 AM CST
Subject: Sen. Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power

Email to other states' lawyers
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; Jeff Carton <>; <>; Linda Dolce <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 06:15:50 PM CST
Subject: Alabama Sen. Katie Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
Dear other states' lawyers,
In Alabama, I have submitted to Alabama Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I urge Senator Britt to search her soul, and I ask, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I am seeking to publicize in Alabama my online letter to Senator Britt, and I am soliciting Alabama lawyers and other Alabamians to help me achieve widespread dissemination of my open letter to Senator Britt.
I would like to think that lawyers in other states would be interested in disseminating similar letters to Republican Senators in their states. If so, I would be very interested in helping out.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck

Email to Alabama history professors
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Christopher Jones <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2024 at 07:12:26 PM CST
Subject: Sen. Katie Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
To whom it may concern:
I have submitted to Alabama Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I urge Senator Britt to search her soul, and I ask, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I am seeking for Alabamians of substance to speak about this.
I take you to be Alabamians of substance.
Please speak.
Thank you.
Robert Shattuck

Email to friends
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: [addresses omitted here]
Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 07:18:40 PM CST
Subject: Sen. Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
Dear Friends:
I have submitted to Alabama Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I urge Senator Britt to search her soul, and I ask, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I hope some of you are interested in what I am trying to communicate to Senator Britt.
Your friend, Rob
Email to Alabama Democratic and Republican party organizations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 at 06:49:56 PM CST
Subject: Sen. Katie Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
Dear Alabama Democratic and Republican party organizations:
I have submitted to Alabama Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I urge Senator Britt to search her soul, and I ask, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I know MAGA Republicans are swooning over the second coming of Trump, and for them Trump can do no wrong, and he is America's savior, deserving of the adulation of all Americans until kingdom comes.
I am an anti-Trumper.
I believe Trump only wants power to feed his monumental ego and vanity; everything he does is calculated to increase his power and serve those ends; and any American who does not fall in line with adulation of Trump is his enemy whom all MAGA Republicans should seek to destroy.
We will see what happens.

Email to Alabama chambers of commerce
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Steve Ammons <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 04:21:45 PM CST
Subject: Sen. Katie Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
Dear Alabama chambers of commerce:
I have submitted to Alabama Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I urge Senator Britt to search her soul, and I ask, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I know MAGA Republicans are swooning over the second coming of Trump, and for them Trump can do no wrong, and he is America's savior, deserving of the adulation of all Americans until kingdom comes.
I am an anti-Trumper.
I believe Trump only wants power to feed his monumental ego and vanity; everything he does is calculated to increase his power and serve those ends; and any American who does not fall in line with adulation of Trump is his enemy whom MAGA Republicans should seek to destroy.
May the Alabama business community think about Trump's love of power, what Trump has done and will do for power and more power, how pervasive the fear of Trump will become, and what the effect will be on the economy and the rule of law as Trump proceeds in his rampaging power pursuit.
Thank you greatly for any thinking and discussing those in the Alabama business community do about this.
Robert Shattuck

Email Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: [Sent to 52 members of Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee. Email addresses were obtained from Alabama State Bar website. It is believed the email address information is not available to general public, and email addresses are omitted here.]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 04:45:16 PM CST
Subject: Sen. Katie Britt & Donald Trump's unlawful theft of governmental power
Dear Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee:
This follows up on my November 30th and December 3rd emails to you.
I have submitted to Alabama Senator Katie Britt by means of her office contact form the online letter that is at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Second letter to Katie Britt re Trump and power.
In the online letter, I say, "Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history."
At the end of the letter, I urge Senator Britt to search her soul, and I ask, "In the searching of your soul, will you be able to pronounce in lockstep with Donald Trump that he did nothing wrong regarding January 6th and that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for the wrong their committee hearings did to Donald Trump?".
I know MAGA Republicans are swooning over the second coming of Trump, and for them Trump can do no wrong, and he is America's savior, deserving of the adulation of all Americans until kingdom comes.
I am an anti-Trumper.
I believe Trump only wants power to feed his monumental ego and vanity; everything he does is calculated to increase his power and serve those ends; and any American who does not fall in line with adulation of Trump is his enemy whom MAGA Republicans should seek to destroy.
May the members of the Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee pick up from my November 30th and December 3rd emails and further think about Trump's love of power, what Trump has done and will do for power and more power, how pervasive the fear of Trump will become, and what the effect will be on the rule of law as Trump proceeds in his rampaging power pursuit.
Thank you greatly for any further thinking (and discussing) members of the Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee do about this.
Robert Shattuck

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Campaign to get GOP in Congress to switch parties

[This campaign to get GOP members of Congress to switch parties is a follow on to The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Open letter to Senators Tuberville and Britt re Pam Bondi and The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump. My Senators in Alabama are Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt and my Representative is Gary Palmer. Below is an open letter from me to them and below that is email notifications I am sending to others about this campaign.  I hope others will participate in this campaign.]  

Open letter to Senators Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt and Representative Gary Palmer 

Re: An appeal to you to switch parties

Dear Senators Tuberville and Britt and Representative Palmer:

I am a constituent of yours but I did not vote for you.

I wish to appeal to you to switch parties from Republican to Democrat (or to Independent).

This letter will explain why I am making this appeal.

I believe Donald Trump has wrongfully escaped accountability for January 6th and for his taking of classified documents. 

I believe this happened because of a failure of our rule of law under the Constitution and the auspices of Congress, the judiciary and the Department of Justice.

I believe the consequences of this failure that has happened with be great damage to the United States.

I believe the damaging consequences to the United States can be greatly mitigated if enough Republican Senators and/or Republican Representatives in Congress switch parties so that Donald Trump would not have a majority in the Senate and/or would not have a majority in the House of Representatives.

I hope you will give serious thought to this appeal.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck

I have been trying to advance this campaign idea through the private Facebook groups of Birmingham Indivisible - Discussions | Facebook and Blue Dots Alabama | Facebook.
I will try to publicize the campaign using various email lists I have, starting with my Alabama lists.
I am importuning an Alabama TikTokker I know to do a TikTok in the form of what she would say to Katie Britt if Katie Britt gave the TikTokker an opportunity to speak to Senator Britt about why Senator Britt should switch parties from Republican to Democrat (or to Independent).
I do not know whether anyone else in the United States has thought of this campaign idea.
If the campaign idea is meritorious, it needs to be purveyed and publicized throughout the United States. 

Draft of TikTok appeal to Senator Britt
Senator Britt,
I sure hope you see this TikTok.
Here's my problem.
Donald Trump has gotten away with murder.
Now, when I say murder, I don't mean murder murder.
No, I mean Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history.
Our Amercian system failed America egregiously in the face of this huge, unlawful heist of governmental power by Donald Trump.
I know Donald Trump won the election, but that does not answer the problem.
The problem is that, when it comes to power, there are no limits on how much some persons want power, how much power they want, and the things they will do for their power.
Persons who are selected to exercise governmental power are supposed to exercises the power for the benefit of the society as a whole. 
In some cases, these persons wrongfully possess and use their governmental powers to benefit themselves financially and sometimes just to derive psychological gratifications of attention to one's self, and domination over and subservience from, others that can come from possessing and exercising power (abuse of power).
A tendency of power holders who abuse their power is to surround themselves with aides and supporters who are similarly inclined to abuse power for their own personal benefits and will protect and enable the primary power holder in his or her abuse of power.
Another tendency of power abusers is to deceive and lie about the power holder's abuse of power.
Further power abusers, because they are using the power for their own benefit, are more desirous of increasing their power and will go to more extreme, and possibly illegal, lengths to protect and increase their power.
Much of American history is about our creation of a system of checks and balances to protect against abuse of governmental power by those who have been delegated governmental power.
This brings me around to the questions of how much does Donald Trump love power, how much does he desire power to benefit himself, his family and friends in financial ways and to have the psychological gratifications of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from others.
I would say Donald Trump has an overwhelming love of power to benefit himself, his family and friends in financial ways and to have the psychological gratifications of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from, others.
In my opinion, this overwhelming love of power that Donald Trump has led him to commit the crimes surrounding January 6th.
He has gotten away with committing those crimes.
This has further increased Donald Trump's love of power and is leading to more abuse of power.
Further, it is critical to Donald Trump that he stamp out talk at this time about how he got away with his unlawful heist of governmental power and about the failure of our system in the face of Donald Trump's unlawful theft of power.
Donald Trump is desperately seeking to stamp out such talk by continuing his protestations "I did nothing wrong" and now piling on top of that that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for what they did to Trump in telling the American people about what Trump did wrong, and very possibly criminally wrong. 
In seeking to stamp out talk, Donald Trump needs his aides and supporters to be in lock step in saying Donald Trump did nothing wrong in connection with January 6th and that  January 6th committee members should be in jail for what they did to Donald Trump. 
I believe much in Donald Trump's cabinet picks can be explained as giving back up force to stamp out talk  
Also Donald Trump needs to demonstrate complete control over Republicans in the Senate. This is proved by Donald Trump keeping them in line on his cabinet picks.
Senator Britt, I ask you to search your soul here. I think you have shown you are an ambitious politician and you are gaining first hand knowledge about power, love of power, abuse of power, what a person is willing to do for power, and how power can corrupt a person's soul.
Then I hope you would decide for youself about what you think about Trump and power how much does he desire power to benefit himself, his family and friends in financial ways and to have the psychological gratifications of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from others.
[to be completed]

Monday, December 2, 2024

Dissemination of suggested Trump censure resolutions

Email to American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Marty Smith <>; Elizabeth Yang <>
Cc: Brannon Buck <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Ross Cohen <>; <>; Mark Ezell <>; John Steiner <>; <>; <>; Chris Christie <>; Gwen Windle <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 05:15:00 AM CST
Subject: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump
Good morning, Marty and Elizabeth.
Following up on The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Open letter to Senators Tuberville and Britt re Pam Bondi. here is more work I am doing in Alabama: The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump.
I hope the American Bar Association Task Force For American Democracy is hard at work to try to prevent the destruction of the independence of the Department of Justice and the FBI.

Email to Alabama Republican and Democratic party organizations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 06:07:31 PM CST
Subject: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump
Can the suggested resolutions for the 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump that are set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump slow down Trump's destruction of the independence of the Department of Justice and the FBI?

Email to Alabama business community
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Steve Ammons <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 06:13:41 PM CST
Subject: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump
Can the suggested resolutions for the 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump that are set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump slow down Trump's destruction of the independence of the Department of Justice and the FBI?

Email to Alabama history professors
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Christopher Jones <>; <>; <>; <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 06:21:44 PM CST
Subject: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump
Can the suggested resolutions for the 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump that are set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump slow down Trump's destruction of the independence of the Department of Justice and the FBI?

Email to Alabama TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; <>; Mike Wright <>; Kay Norred <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Brian Lyman <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Marty Smith <>; Elizabeth Yang <>; Terri B. Lovell <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 at 06:51:58 PM CST
Subject: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump
Can the suggested resolutions for the 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump that are set out at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump slow down Trump's destruction of the independence of the Department of Justice and the FBI?

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump


Resolutions of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives of the118th Congress censuring President-Elect Donald John Trump


I. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

The Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate that investigated the Russian measures campaign and interference in the 2016 U.S. election found that "the Russian government engaged in an aggressive, multifaceted effort to influence, or attempt to influence, the outcome of the 2016  presidential election."

II. Mueller investigation

In May of 2017 Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein appointed former Department of Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee a previously confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.

The Special Counsel’s investigation 
"established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents. The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."

Also Special Counsel investigated whether President Trump obstructed Special Counsel's in ivestigation. Special Counsel found that,
"Beginning in 2017, the President of the United States took a variety of actions towards the ongoing FBI investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and related matters that raised questions about whether he had obstructed justice. The Order appointing the Special Counsel gave this Office jurisdiction to investigate matters that arose directly from the FBI’s Russia investigation, including whether the President had obstructed justice in connection with Russia-related investigations. The Special Counsel’s jurisdiction also covered potentially obstructive acts related to the Special Counsel’s investigation itself. This Volume of our report summarizes our obstruction-of-justice investigation of the President.
. . . . . 
"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President’s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

III. Ukraine impeachment

In 2019 the House of Representatives impeached President Trump regarding Ukraine. The Articles of Impeachment said:

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election. He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage. President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by conditioning official United States Government acts of significant value to Ukraine on its public announcement of the investigations. President Trump engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit. In so doing, President Trump used the powers of the Presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the Nation."

IV. January 6th impeachment
In 2021 the House of Representatives impeached President Trump. The Articles of Impeachment said:

"On January 6, 2021, pursuant to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, the House of Representatives, and the Senate met at the United States Capitol for a Joint Session of Congress to count the votes of the Electoral College. In the months preceding the Joint Session, President Trump repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people or certified by State or Federal officials. Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. There, he reiterated false claims that "we won this election, and we won it by a landslide." He also willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — lawless action at the Capitol, such as: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." Thus incited by President Trump, members of the crowd he had addressed, in an attempt to, among other objectives, interfere with the Joint Session's solemn constitutional duty to certify the results of the 2020 Presidential election, unlawfully breached and vandalized the Capitol, injured and killed law enforcement personnel, menaced Members of Congress, the Vice President, and Congressional personnel, and engaged in other violent, deadly, destructive and seditious acts.
"President Trump's conduct on January 6, 2021, followed his prior efforts to subvert and obstruct the certification of the results of the 2020 Presidential election. Those prior efforts included a phone call on January 2, 2021, during which President Trump urged the secretary of state of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, to "find" enough votes to overturn the Georgia Presidential election results and threatened Secretary Raffensperger if he failed to do so.
"In all this, President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government. He threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power, and imperiled a coequal branch of Government. He thereby betrayed his trust as President, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

V. January 6th select committee

"EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: OVERVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE DEVELOPED In the Committee’s hearings, we presented evidence of what ultimately became a multi-part plan to overturn the 2020 Presidential election. That evidence has led to an overriding and straight-forward conclusion: the central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, who many others followed. None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him."  Microsoft Word - Introductory Material to the Final Report of the Select Committee.docx"

VI. January 6th and classified documents indictments.

U.S. v. Trump Nauta

VII. Supreme Court immunity decision (the "SCOTUS Immunity Decision")

VIII. Dismissal of January 6th and classified documents indictments

IX. President-Elect Donald John Trump is profoundly wrong; failure in rule of law

Regarding all of the above, President-Elect Donald John Trump contends he did nothing wrong, or illegal or possibly illegal, and all of the actions taken against him regarding the same were wrong and should have never been taken.

It is the sense of the [Senate] [House of Representatives] that the foregoing contention of  President-Elect Donald John Trump is profoundly wrong and demonstrates that Donald John Trump does not have an understanding of what is wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should have, and that this lack of understanding creates a significant risk that Donald John Trump as President will do things that are wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should not do.

Also, it is the sense of the [Senate] [House of Representatives] that that SCOTUS Immunity Decision creates greater risk that Donald John Trump as President will do things that are wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should not do.

Further it is the sense of the [Senate] [House of Representatives] that the  Immunity Decision places a greater Constitutional burden on Congress to oversee that Donald John Trump as President of the United States does not do things that are wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should not do, and to put Donald John Trump on notice about this, and that a formal censure of President-Elect Donald John Trump is appropriate based on his profound lack of understanding of things that are wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should not do.

Further, it is the of the [Senate] [House of Representatives] that the rule of law profoundly failed to hold Donald John Trump accountable, and censuring President-Elect Donald John Trump helps remedy the foregoing failure of the rule of law.

President-Elect Donald John Trump be, and he hereby is, censured for his profound lack of understanding of what is wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should have, and to put President-Elect Donald John Trump on notice that this [Senate] [House of Representatives] deems it necessary to exercise greater vigilance to prevent  Donald John Trump from doing things that are wrong or illegal or possibly illegal that the President of the United States should not do.

Dissemination of "Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump" is being memorialized at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Dissemination of suggested Trump censure resolutions.