Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Campaign to get GOP in Congress to switch parties

[This campaign to get GOP members of Congress to switch parties is a follow on to The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Open letter to Senators Tuberville and Britt re Pam Bondi and The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Suggested resolutions for 118th Congress to censure President-Elect Trump. My Senators in Alabama are Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt and my Representative is Gary Palmer. Below is an open letter from me to them and below that is email notifications I am sending to others about this campaign.  I hope others will participate in this campaign.]  

Open letter to Senators Tommy Tuberville and Katie Britt and Representative Gary Palmer 

Re: An appeal to you to switch parties

Dear Senators Tuberville and Britt and Representative Palmer:

I am a constituent of yours but I did not vote for you.

I wish to appeal to you to switch parties from Republican to Democrat (or to Independent).

This letter will explain why I am making this appeal.

I believe Donald Trump has wrongfully escaped accountability for January 6th and for his taking of classified documents. 

I believe this happened because of a failure of our rule of law under the Constitution and the auspices of Congress, the judiciary and the Department of Justice.

I believe the consequences of this failure that has happened with be great damage to the United States.

I believe the damaging consequences to the United States can be greatly mitigated if enough Republican Senators and/or Republican Representatives in Congress switch parties so that Donald Trump would not have a majority in the Senate and/or would not have a majority in the House of Representatives.

I hope you will give serious thought to this appeal.

Thank you.

Rob Shattuck

I have been trying to advance this campaign idea through the private Facebook groups of Birmingham Indivisible - Discussions | Facebook and Blue Dots Alabama | Facebook.
I will try to publicize the campaign using various email lists I have, starting with my Alabama lists.
I am importuning an Alabama TikTokker I know to do a TikTok in the form of what she would say to Katie Britt if Katie Britt gave the TikTokker an opportunity to speak to Senator Britt about why Senator Britt should switch parties from Republican to Democrat (or to Independent).
I do not know whether anyone else in the United States has thought of this campaign idea.
If the campaign idea is meritorious, it needs to be purveyed and publicized throughout the United States. 

Draft of TikTok appeal to Senator Britt
Senator Britt,
I sure hope you see this TikTok.
Here's my problem.
Donald Trump has gotten away with murder.
Now, when I say murder, I don't mean murder murder.
No, I mean Donald Trump has gotten away with the biggest unlawful heist of governmental power in American history.
Our Amercian system failed America egregiously in the face of this huge, unlawful heist of governmental power by Donald Trump.
I know Donald Trump won the election, but that does not answer the problem.
The problem is that, when it comes to power, there are no limits on how much some persons want power, how much power they want, and the things they will do for their power.
Persons who are selected to exercise governmental power are supposed to exercises the power for the benefit of the society as a whole. 
In some cases, these persons wrongfully possess and use their governmental powers to benefit themselves financially and sometimes just to derive psychological gratifications of attention to one's self, and domination over and subservience from, others that can come from possessing and exercising power (abuse of power).
A tendency of power holders who abuse their power is to surround themselves with aides and supporters who are similarly inclined to abuse power for their own personal benefits and will protect and enable the primary power holder in his or her abuse of power.
Another tendency of power abusers is to deceive and lie about the power holder's abuse of power.
Further power abusers, because they are using the power for their own benefit, are more desirous of increasing their power and will go to more extreme, and possibly illegal, lengths to protect and increase their power.
Much of American history is about our creation of a system of checks and balances to protect against abuse of governmental power by those who have been delegated governmental power.
This brings me around to the questions of how much does Donald Trump love power, how much does he desire power to benefit himself, his family and friends in financial ways and to have the psychological gratifications of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from others.
I would say Donald Trump has an overwhelming love of power to benefit himself, his family and friends in financial ways and to have the psychological gratifications of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from, others.
In my opinion, this overwhelming love of power that Donald Trump has led him to commit the crimes surrounding January 6th.
He has gotten away with committing those crimes.
This has further increased Donald Trump's love of power and is leading to more abuse of power.
Further, it is critical to Donald Trump that he stamp out talk at this time about how he got away with his unlawful heist of governmental power and about the failure of our system in the face of Donald Trump's unlawful theft of power.
Donald Trump is desperately seeking to stamp out such talk by continuing his protestations "I did nothing wrong" and now piling on top of that that the January 6th committee members should be put in jail for what they did to Trump in telling the American people about what Trump did wrong, and very possibly criminally wrong. 
In seeking to stamp out talk, Donald Trump needs his aides and supporters to be in lock step in saying Donald Trump did nothing wrong in connection with January 6th and that  January 6th committee members should be in jail for what they did to Donald Trump. 
I believe much in Donald Trump's cabinet picks can be explained as giving back up force to stamp out talk  
Also Donald Trump needs to demonstrate complete control over Republicans in the Senate. This is proved by Donald Trump keeping them in line on his cabinet picks.
Senator Britt, I ask you to search your soul here. I think you have shown you are an ambitious politician and you are gaining first hand knowledge about power, love of power, abuse of power, what a person is willing to do for power, and how power can corrupt a person's soul.
Then I hope you would decide for youself about what you think about Trump and power how much does he desire power to benefit himself, his family and friends in financial ways and to have the psychological gratifications of attention to himself and domination over, and subservience from others.
[to be completed]

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