For "Notes of day 23 of presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump"
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) February 11, 2025
Trump pardons ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich 5 years after commuting his sentence
Email to Alabama law school deans William Brewbaker, Scott Garrett, Charles Campbell, and Blake HudsonAlso for "Notes of day 23 of presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump" #alpolitics
— Rob Shattuck (@RobShattuckAL06) February 11, 2025
Justice Department moves to drop case against New York City Mayor Eric Adams
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: Brannon Buck <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Ross Cohen <>; <>; Mark Ezell <>; John Steiner <>; <>; <>; Chris Christie <>; Gwen Windle <>; <>; <>; <>; Celeste Grenier <>; <>; Marty Smith <>; Elizabeth Yang <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 06:47:30 PM CST
Subject: Trump’s Actions Have Created a Constitutional Crisis, Scholars Say - The New York Times
Dear Alabama law school deans William Brewbaker, Scott Garrett, Charles Campbell, and Blake Hudson:
In the article Trump’s Actions Have Created a Constitutional Crisis, Scholars Say - The New York Times, Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the law school at the University of California, Berkeley, is quoted as saying:
“We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis right now. There have been so many unconstitutional and illegal actions in the first 18 days of the Trump presidency. We never have seen anything like this.”Coincidentally, yesterday the American Bar Association issued an expression of support for the rule of law, set out at, which concludes with:
President Trump has caused a constitutional... - The New York Times | Facebook
We call upon our elected representatives to stand with us and to insist upon adherence to the rule of law and the legal processes and procedures that ensure orderly change. The administration cannot choose which law it will follow or ignore. These are not partisan or political issues. These are rule of law and process issues. We cannot afford to remain silent. We must stand up for the values we hold dear. The ABA will do its part and act to protect the rule of law.This expression of support for the rule of law follows on the more than year-long work of the ABA's Task Force for American Democracy, which is set out at
We urge every attorney to join us and insist that our government, a government of the people, follow the law. It is part of the oath we took when we became lawyers. Whatever your political party or your views, change must be made in the right way. Americans expect no less.
During that same time, I have been bugging the Alabama legal community about the rule of law and weaponization of the Department of Justice, which I have done by means of numerous emails that have included you as addressees.
I would like to think that the Alabama legal community can speak in a public way to Alabamians on this subject in a way that has their respect.
I would like to think that you, as Alabama law school deans, could do that.
I hope you find it in yourselves to do so.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: [Sent to 51 members of Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee. Email addresses were obtained from Alabama State Bar website. It is believed the email address information is not available to general public, and email addresses are omitted here.]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 12:21:04 AM CST
Subject: Fw: Trump’s Actions Have Created a Constitutional Crisis, Scholars Say - The New York Times
To: Alabama State Bar Bench and Bar Relations Committee:
I used my Alabama lawyer email list to send the below email to Alabama law school deans William Brewbaker, Scott Garrett, Charles Campbell, and Blake Hudson.
For filing in The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 23
[referenced "below email to Alabama law school deans William Brewbaker, Scott Garrett, Charles Campbell, and Blake Hudson" is above email]
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