Friday, February 28, 2025

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 39

Notes of day 39 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Email to Birmingham Council on Foreign Relations re asking Rep. Palmer about Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: __________
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 07:33:34 PM CST
Subject: BCFR Program Monday March 3rd, 2025 5:30 pm
Dear ___:
You don't know me.
I have become aware of the above meeting and of your connection with the meeting.
I would like to think that the Birmingham Council on Foreign Relations has a great deal of interest in what is happening regarding Ukraine.
I do, and I am endeavoring to get Rep. Gary Palmer to answer questions about Ukraine, including by trying to get Birmingham area TV stations to ask Rep. Palmer about Ukraine. The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Getting Rep. Gary Palmer to answer questions.
Maybe the Birmingham Council on Foreign Relations would like to extend an invitation to Rep. Palmer to come and talk at a BCFR meeting about Ukraine.
Please consider the idea.
Thank you.
Rob Shattuck
Mountain Brook Email to Birmingham area TV stations re Rep. Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 05:10:31 AM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
To Birmingham area TV stations:
The article President Trump sides with Rep. Palmer on natural gas water heaters - Yellowhammer News says, "President Donald Trump thinks U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) is right about keeping natural gas powered water heaters available."
Can or cannot Birmingham area TV stations ask Rep. Palmer whether he thinks President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine and, if so, why Rep. Palmer thinks that President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine?
Thank you.
cc. Rep. Palmer via his office contact form
(For filing in The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 39)

Email to Rep. Palmer using office contact form
Please see below email that I sent to Birmingham area TV stations regarding you, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 05:10:31 AM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
To Birmingham area TV stations:
The article says, "President Donald Trump thinks U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) is right about keeping natural gas powered water heaters available."
Can or cannot Birmingham area TV stations ask Rep. Palmer whether he thinks President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine and, if so, why Rep. Palmer thinks that President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine?
Thank you.
cc. Rep. Palmer via his office contact form
(For filing in
[Message confirmation 12:10 pm, 2/28/25 Thank you, your message has been sent.]

Email to Sen. Britt using her office contact form
Please see below email that I sent to Birmingham area TV stations regarding Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 05:10:31 AM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
To Birmingham area TV stations:
The article says, "President Donald Trump thinks U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) is right about keeping natural gas powered water heaters available."
Can or cannot Birmingham area TV stations ask Rep. Palmer whether he thinks President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine and, if so, why Rep. Palmer thinks that President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine?
Thank you.
cc. Rep. Palmer via his office contact form
(For filing in
[Confirmation 12:30 pm, 2/28/25 Thank you! Your submission was successful.]

Email re how much TV viewers admire Zelenskyy, Trump and Putin
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 01:07:56 PM CST
Subject: How much do your viewers admire Zelenskyy, Trump and Putin?
To Birmingham area TV stations:
Why don't you do a survey of your viewers of, on a scale of 1 to 10, please say how much you admire Zelenskyy, Trump and Putin, respectively?
My admiration for Zelenskyy is at a 10, my admiration for Trump is at a 1, and my admiration for Putin is at a -5.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 38

Notes of day 38 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

An email that came to my attention
Date: February 25, 2025 at 3:02:02 PM CST
To: Admin 
 Dear Friends,
    I am trying to reach as many people as possible as quickly as possible, so I went through my entire email list letter by letter and picked adresses from over 70 friends and acquaintances that I felt might want to DO SOMETHING about the current political meltdown. 
    I am a member of Indivisible, but this is a personal initiative to help the few people out there that are actually trying to do something. 
    For street protest to be effective, the rule of thumb is that it takes a SUSTAINED ACTION of roughly 4% of the population. That is over 12 million people, not achievable right now. Too many people don't care, or don't even pay attention to the Coup d'état unrolling  in Washington. And most Democratic leaders have been pitifully meek and ineffective, seemingly just throwing their hand up and hoping the whole thing will crash under the weight of its own incompetence and excesses(dixit James Carville). 
    I strongly disagree. One only has to read the history of Hitler's dismantling of the German Republic  in less than 2 months in 1933. That is the playbook Trump and Musk are following step by step. The messy chaos is actually created on purpose to destabilize and scare the civil servants into falling in line to keep their job. 
    If nothing is done , we will in short order find ourselves in a police state with a corrupt DJ and a mean vengeful Kash Patel in charge of the FBI. Think Hoover on steroids and more. 
    Soon, they will criminalize protest, declare Martial Law, arrest people and completely knee cap the opposition.
    The only way to fight back is to STRIKE and SHUTDOWN the country. The goal is to disrupt the economy and hurt big business where it counts, their pocketbook, to push them(even coerce them may be) to do the right thing, stop supporting this Fascist regime, and find the guts to speak out and stop the abuses of power and the wholesale dismantling of the US government. Same goes for the lame politicians and the mostly ineffective media that would have to report on it. 
     There are actually three  major actions planned currently, and I think they are great ideas. That's all we got anyway... And if each one of you did the same I did and forwarded this email to all their  friends, family and acquaintances, we can exponentially reach millions of potential strikers in a matter of days.    
   The first is promoted by a group called The People's Union USA:
     It is now also now pushed by Reverent Al Sharpton.
     On February 28, for a full 24hours:
                Global Economic Blackout
                No spending, no shopping, no use of credit cards.
                No going out, no Starbuck, no Big Mac, no Netflix, NO Social media
                Turn off your smart phones completely off if you can.
 The second is pushed by a group called SHUTDOWN315 :
     On March 15, 2025 ,  Total Shutdown: 
                      No work, No shopping, No travel, No school
                      No compliance - Everything Stops, no Netflix, nothing.
  The third one is organized by General Strike USA:
    They ask you to commit to the strike by signing a "Strike Card. There is no date set because the strike will only take place if they reach the critical mass of 11 million signatories. I think it is a long shot, but why not try anyway. We got nothing to lose.
    The ideas seem to be percolating on Substack, Facebook, Reddit, Bluesky, Signal and TikTok.
    I feel we all need to do our part at this critical time and give it a big push. 
   WE CAN.
   The best way to grow the audience is to harness the power of exponential growth, like a pyramid scheme for good trouble.  
    If each and everyone of us emails or texts or calls several friends and talks them into joining the movement, and if each one of those friends does the same with their friends, who themselves keep doing the same, we can reach millions of people in a matter of days. 
    Please, let's get this going.
PS: Some of you are close friend, others acquaintances I may have not seen in a while. So I am sorry and apologize if this unexpected email bothered, angered or distressed you in any way.
      I welcome answers, comments and suggestions.
  There are other actions and boycotts popping up every day, all along the same lines and the same dates, like this 

Email to Alabama TV stations re Jeff Bezos scared of Trump
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 06:21:00 PM CST
Subject: Are your corporate masters as scared of Trump as Jeff Bezos is?
Are the corporate masters of your TV stations as scared of Trump as Jeff Bezos is?
Jeff Bezos announces ‘significant shift’ coming to the Washington Post. A key editor is leaving because of it | CNN Business

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 37

Notes of day 37 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Email to Alabama chambers of commerce re is Trump a grifter?
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Steve Ammons <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>
Cc: Brannon Buck <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Ross Cohen <>; <>; Mark Ezell <>; John Steiner <>; <>; <>; Chris Christie <>; Gwen Windle <>; <>; <>; <>; Celeste Grenier <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 07:41:36 PM CST
Subject: Is or is not Trump a grifter?
Hey, Alabama chambers of commerce:
Is or is not Trump a grifter? Comer threatens to remove Frost after Trump ‘grifter’ dispute
For filing in "Notes of day 37 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump" at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 37

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

When calls to AL reps in Congress are being ignored

Email message submitted to Rep. Palmer using his office contact form
Dear Rep. Palmer,
I hear your office is ignoring telephone calls being made to you.
Back here in Alabama, we are developing tactics to deal with Alabama's Congressional representatives who are ignoring telephone calls being made to them.
May you become well aware of what your constituents are doing to get your attention paid to them.
[confirmation of sending 6:40 pm, 2/25/2025 "Thank you, your message has been sent."]

Email to Birmingham area TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 06:50:32 PM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer is ignoring phone calls from his constituents
To Birmingham area TV stations:
Rep. Gary Palmer is ignoring phone calls from his constituents. What will Birmingham area TV stations do about that?
(For filing in The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: When calls to AL reps in Congress are being ignored) A post on Blue Dots Alabama | Facebook
Rob Shattuck
Top contributor · 15h ·
Are you interested in developing tactics for when calls to Alabama's representatives in Congress are being ignored?
The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: When calls to AL reps in Congress are being ignored

Caroline Self Facebook post
Caroline Self
1h ·
Here are some ideas for effective action from Joe Lockhart, who was White House Press Secretary under President Clinton.
I'm a reality tv producer, and I agree with every word he writes. Storytelling is how we fight back. Humanizing the cruel and unnecessary actions of Trump/Musk is how we fight back.
If you have lost your job because of the DOGE cuts or if you are scared of losing your health care or other social safety net programs like SNAP because of the Republicans' budget and you have a story you want to tell, let me know. Blueprint Alabama may be able to help you tell it.
Joe Lockhart
2h ·
People have been wondering what they can do to stop what Trump and Musk are doing. Here are a couple of ideas Whether you live in the district or not, go to a town hall meeting with a member of Congress. But go with a very specific example of how the DOGE operation is impacting your family. And if Republicans cancel their town meetings, go to a democrat's meeting and give life to how people are being impacted. It will generate local news coverage and there is nothing a member of Congress tracks more closely than local news coverage.
Local TV is still a powerful tool around the country. Call/text/email/stand outside the studio with stories on the very real impact reduced government service has on your family and the community. The only thing to counter the big lies are personal human interest stories told by the people who are impacted. And there is a hunger at many of these stations to localize these national stories.
Go on the conservative social media platforms and tell your stories in the comments. Among other things it may be the first time some of these MAGA types learn about how this all is going to hurt them. Call in to talk radio and let them that some ideas that sounded good in the campaign are really hurting communities and families.
I'm sure there are many more and better ideas. But DC Republicans will never waver from Trump unless they feel the heat from home.

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 36

Notes of day 36 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Message sent to Rep. Gary Palmer using email contact form
Yesterday the United States joined Russia to vote against the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine.
I consider this vote reprehensible and despicable on the part of the United States, as I consider Trump reprehensible and despicable for siding with Russia against Ukraine.
I am adding this email to my blog at and at
[Message snet confirmation 2/25 4:30 am "Thank you, your message has been sent. "]

Email to Birmingham area TV stations
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 04:48:47 AM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer and Ukraine
Just now I sent the following message to Rep. Gary Palmer using his office email contact form:
Yesterday the United States joined Russia to vote against the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine. US joins Russia to vote against UN resolution condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine | CNN Politics
I consider this vote reprehensible and despicable on the part of the United States, as I consider Trump reprehensible and despicable for siding with Russia against Ukraine.
I am adding this email to my blog at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 36 and at The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Getting Rep. Gary Palmer to answer questions.
I urge your TV stations to ask Rep. Palmer about how Trump is siding with Russia against Ukraine.
Thank you

Monday, February 24, 2025

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 35

Notes of day 35 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Email to Alabama lawyers
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Brannon Buck <>; Terri B. Lovell <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; "" <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Ross Cohen <>; <>; Mark Ezell <>; John Steiner <>; <>; <>; Chris Christie <>; Gwen Windle <>; <>; <>; <>; Celeste Grenier <>; <>
Cc: Marty Smith <>; Elizabeth Yang <>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2025 at 07:54:20 AM CST
Subject: 60 Minutes last night -- DOJ and the rule and law
In connection with The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Dear Sen. Britt re rule of law, I pass along to you for your consideration the first segment on 60 Minutes last night Firings and resignations at the Department of Justice in first weeks of the Trump administration - CBS News, which concerned the Department of Justice and the rule of law.
Thank you.
For filing in The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 35.

Email to Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: [Sent to 51 members of Alabama State Bar Bench & Bar Relations Committee. Email addresses were obtained from Alabama State Bar website. It is believed the email address information is not available to general public, and email addresses are omitted here.]
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2025 at 08:05:38 AM CST
Subject: 60 Minutes last night -- DOJ and the rule and law
In connection with The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: Dear Sen. Britt re rule of law, I pass along to you for your consideration the first segment on 60 Minutes last night Firings and resignations at the Department of Justice in first weeks of the Trump administration - CBS News, which concerned the Department of Justice and the rule of law.
Thank you.
For filing in The Final Battle against Donald J. Trump: The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 35.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 34

Notes of day 34 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

My premise has been, surprisingly, that Trump is Satan. But, in self defense, if Satan were to take the flesh, when he lies, you might believe him because all the power of Satan backs up his lies. I have some training in detecting lies as a trial lawyer. Gen Milley, who worked with Trump daily, said that nearly everything Trump said was a lie. Milley is a smart guy.
So, maybe I have been right all along.
All reactions:
1 share
Rob Shattuck
I pasted this post of yours in my blog at, without giving your name. Please let me know if you would like me identify you in my blog.
The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 30
The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 30

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 30

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Rob Shattuck replied
2 Replies
Jean S. Ousley
Our son has a lot of respect for Gen. Milley.
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Rob Shattuck
Grayson Hewitt Brown You identify yourself as a trial lawyer. Do you think what is set out at is worth developing?
Dear Sen. Britt re rule of law
Dear Sen. Britt re rule of law

Dear Sen. Britt re rule of law

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Grayson Hewitt Brown replied
3 Replies
Grayson Hewitt Brown
Rob Shattuck Excellent letter. The rule of law is the heart of the matter. Every time Republicans disregard the rule of law, we need to get in their face, so much so that they choke.
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