Submitted to Senator Tuberville using his office contact form
Please see below email that I sent yesterday to Birmingham area TV stations regarding Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 05:10:31 AM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
To Birmingham area TV stations:
The article says, "President Donald Trump thinks U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) is right about keeping natural gas powered water heaters available."
Can or cannot Birmingham area TV stations ask Rep. Palmer whether he thinks President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine and, if so, why Rep. Palmer thinks that President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine?
Thank you.
cc. Rep. Palmer via his office contact form
Please see below email that I sent yesterday to Birmingham area TV stations regarding Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: <>; Susana Schuler <>; <>; Baylor Long <>; <>; <>; <>; <>; Jen Cardone <>; <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 05:10:31 AM CST
Subject: Rep. Gary Palmer, gas powered water heaters, and Ukraine
To Birmingham area TV stations:
The article says, "President Donald Trump thinks U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover) is right about keeping natural gas powered water heaters available."
Can or cannot Birmingham area TV stations ask Rep. Palmer whether he thinks President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine and, if so, why Rep. Palmer thinks that President Trump is right in siding with Putin against Ukraine?
Thank you.
cc. Rep. Palmer via his office contact form
(For filing in
Request not Accepted
Your submitted request contained a potential security risk.Please try your submission again using natively composed plain text (not copied and pasted from another document), with few or no hyperlinks, or other syntax that may be interpreted as computer code (examples: '--', '&').Second email to Senator Tuberville using office contact form
A few minutes ago I made a submission and received error message "Request not Accepted. Your submitted request contained a potential security risk. Please try your submission again using natively composed plain text (not copied and pasted from another document), with few or no hyperlinks, or other syntax that may be interpreted as computer code (examples: '--', '&')."
I have posted at my submission that was not accepted.
[This second email was accepted 5:20 am, 3/1/25]
Thank You
Thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts on this important issue. As your U.S. Senator, I appreciate the opportunity to represent you in Washington D.C. and to address the concerns of all who call the great State of Alabama home. Hearing directly from my constituents is extremely important to me. Your comment has been directed to the appropriate team member for careful review.
A reply from Senator Britt
[A friend who contacted Sen. Britt about Russia's invasion received the below reply]
February 28, 2025
Dear Mr. _______,
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I always appreciate hearing from Alabamians.
Ending the conflict is of the upmost importance for America’s vital strategic interests, the security of our homeland, and the defense of liberty and the rule of law. My top priority is to ensure American soldiers never have to be deployed on Ukrainian soil and that this invasion does not advance beyond Ukraine’s borders into the sovereign territory of any NATO member, a scenario which could trigger a global conflict between nuclear powers.
We must continue to bolster our own defense readiness and guarantee our own munition stockpiles are robust to deter aggression from hostile actors. As a nation, we must strengthen and modernize our own capabilities to ensure our men and women in uniform remain the best equipped, resourced, and trained in the world.
As global powers seek to put an end to this war, one thing is apparent: Vladimir Putin only recognizes strength. He continually took advantage of American weakness by invading Ukraine both during the Biden Administration and the Obama Administration, confirming what I have always believed—strength deters war, while weakness invites it. President Trump is committed to fostering sustainable peace across the globe, including in Eastern Europe. His recent conversations with both heads of state in this conflict are proof of his commitment to ending this war. The American people voted for this conflict to end, before more lives are lost.
Please know that I will continue to monitor this national security threat and its implications for our families, our communities, our allies, the region, and the world. Thank you again for contacting me. Do not ever hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance.
[A friend who contacted Sen. Britt about Russia's invasion received the below reply]
February 28, 2025
Dear Mr. _______,
Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I always appreciate hearing from Alabamians.
Ending the conflict is of the upmost importance for America’s vital strategic interests, the security of our homeland, and the defense of liberty and the rule of law. My top priority is to ensure American soldiers never have to be deployed on Ukrainian soil and that this invasion does not advance beyond Ukraine’s borders into the sovereign territory of any NATO member, a scenario which could trigger a global conflict between nuclear powers.
We must continue to bolster our own defense readiness and guarantee our own munition stockpiles are robust to deter aggression from hostile actors. As a nation, we must strengthen and modernize our own capabilities to ensure our men and women in uniform remain the best equipped, resourced, and trained in the world.
As global powers seek to put an end to this war, one thing is apparent: Vladimir Putin only recognizes strength. He continually took advantage of American weakness by invading Ukraine both during the Biden Administration and the Obama Administration, confirming what I have always believed—strength deters war, while weakness invites it. President Trump is committed to fostering sustainable peace across the globe, including in Eastern Europe. His recent conversations with both heads of state in this conflict are proof of his commitment to ending this war. The American people voted for this conflict to end, before more lives are lost.
Please know that I will continue to monitor this national security threat and its implications for our families, our communities, our allies, the region, and the world. Thank you again for contacting me. Do not ever hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance.
Josh Moon post on Facebook
In the photos below is Alabama House Resolution 268: CONDEMNING RUSSIA FOR ITS MILITARY INVASION OF UKRAINE AND DECLARING SUPPORT FOR THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE. This passed Alabama House of Representatives UNANIMOUSLY just three years ago, March 1, 2022. No one voted against it. No one spoke against it. No one even offered to amend it.
At the time, millions of Americans, including a whole bunch in Alabama, we're proudly flying Ukrainian flags, condemning Biden for not doing more to help them and generally showing outrage towards Russia for its actions. Hell, there were Americans who traveled over there to fight. One of my best friends in life has spent his last three years mostly in Europe helping to train Ukrainian soldiers. And we were proud to do it - to stand up to a murderous dictator.
Nothing has changed. The facts remain the absolute same. The aggressor is the same. The dictator is the same. There has been no information that we've learned that has changed the good guys and bad guys. Absolutely none. No one even really pretends otherwise.
In fact, the only thing that has changed is the president. Who is weirdly loyal to this Russian gangster. Who always seems to find fault with the victim but not the aggressor. Who talks about concessions constantly from Ukraine but never from Russia. Who has gone out of his way to not insult the gangster. Who has tried to convince people that Ukraine is somehow responsible for the invasion. Who is upset... with Ukraine?... because the US has spent billions to stop a Russian invasion.
If you're out here now, three years later, making excuses for Trump and pretending that bullying a man from a war torn country is somehow a show of strength, it's time for you to take a step back and seriously ask yourself what you're doing. Because you're not being honest. And I feel like that a whole bunch of you know it. That you feel icky about it. You know there's no reason to feel differently than you did in 2022. Absolutely none.
Let this be the first step away from this stupid maga cult. You don't have to become a Democrat or even a progressive. Not even a moderate. But you do need to stop blindly excusing stupid shit, unAmerican shit, weak shit, and corrupt shit. Take that first step. You can do it.
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