Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The January 6th lawbreaker President, day 50

Notes of day 50 of the presidency of the power-crazed, January 6th lawbreaker, 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Email to TV stations re Trump favoring Putin and Russia over Ukraine
From: Rob Shattuck <rdshatt@aol.com>
To: shannon.isbell@wbrc.com <shannon.isbell@wbrc.com>; Susana Schuler <susana.schuler@hearst.com>; brendan.kirby@fox10tv.com <brendan.kirby@fox10tv.com>; jama.killingsworth@waff.com <jama.killingsworth@waff.com>; Mike Wright <mwright@waaytv.com>; rmartin@cbs42.com <rmartin@cbs42.com>; Baylor Long <blong@hearst.com>; dwingard@wsfa.com <dwingard@wsfa.com>; news@mynbc15.com <news@mynbc15.com>; randy.merrow@fox10tv.com <randy.merrow@fox10tv.com>; gmcdonald@waka.com <gmcdonald@waka.com>; comments@abc3340.com <comments@abc3340.com>; newstip@abc3340.com <newstip@abc3340.com>; wvtm13@wvtm.com <wvtm13@wvtm.com>; dlamb@cbs42.com <dlamb@cbs42.com>; Jen Cardone <jcardone@cbs42.com>; sdiorio@wvua23.com <sdiorio@wvua23.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 09:46:46 AM CDT
Subject: Did Sen. Britt consider what I said to her about Trump favoring Putin and Russia?

To Alabama TV stations:

I previously sent you an email that I had sent to Senator Britt inquiring what her theory is about why Trump favors Putin and Russia over Ukraine. 

Below are the email I sent to Senator Britt and a response that Senator Britt sent back to me,

Do you think Senator Britt considered what I said to her in my email to her? 

Does your TV station care whether Senator Britt considered what I said to her in my email?

Thank you.

Dear Senators Tuberville and Britt and Representative Palmer:
This is a further email to the three of you about Trump and Ukraine.
All the evidence is that Trump favors Putin and Russia over Ukraine.
Trump best knows why this is so.
The rest of us can only theorize about why Trump favors Putin and Russia over Ukraine.
I theorize that Trump most loves power and ego gratifications from power, including being the center of attention and having domination over others. 
Further, these gratifications from power are greater the greater the power that Trump has and shows to the world, and a part of this is how strong opposition is that Trump beats down with his power.
Under this theory, upending America's 80-year alignment on the side of democracy against the dictatorship of Russia would be a manifestation of Trump's power and domination in the world that would be greater than just about anything else one can think of, and such would provide Trump with correspondingly great ego gratifications.
Under this "love of power for power's sake" theory, Trump is little motivated by what is in the best interests of the United States and the America people, and the consequences of his actions in showing off his power may turn out very bad for the United States and the American people.
You may say to yourself, no, that is not the way Trump is, and Trump is conscientious that the American people have entrusted him with enormous power that he Trump should use accordingly for their best interest, and he Trump should not have a first priority of obtaining ego gratifications from power that he loves more than anything else.
Time will tell, history will play out, and what you do or do not do, based on your theory about Trump, will be part of the record of these times.

Senator Britt's response
From: Office of U.S. Senator Katie Britt <donotreply@britt.senate.gov>
To: "rdshatt@aol.com" <rdshatt@aol.com>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2025 at 05:05:52 PM CDT
Subject: Response from Senator Britt


March 10, 2025

Dear Mr. Shattuck,

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  I always appreciate hearing from Alabamians.

Ending the conflict is of the upmost importance for America’s vital strategic interests, the security of our homeland, and the defense of liberty and the rule of law.  My top priority is to ensure American soldiers never have to be deployed on Ukrainian soil and that this invasion does not advance beyond Ukraine’s borders into the sovereign territory of any NATO member, a scenario which could trigger a global conflict between nuclear powers. 

We must continue to bolster our own defense readiness and guarantee our own munition stockpiles are robust to deter aggression from hostile actors.  As a nation, we must strengthen and modernize our own capabilities to ensure our men and women in uniform remain the best equipped, resourced, and trained in the world. 

As global powers seek to put an end to this war, one thing is apparent: Vladimir Putin only recognizes strength.  He continually took advantage of American weakness by invading Ukraine both during the Biden Administration and the Obama Administration, confirming what I have always believed—strength deters war, while weakness invites it.  President Trump is committed to fostering sustainable peace across the globe, including in Eastern Europe.  His recent conversations with both heads of state in this conflict are proof of his commitment to ending this war.  The American people voted for this conflict to end, before more lives are lost. 

Please know that I will continue to monitor this national security threat and its implications for our families, our communities, our allies, the region, and the world.  Thank you again for contacting me.  Do not ever hesitate to reach out if I can be of assistance.



Katie Boyd Britt 
United States Senator

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